
Lukas Lamberts

Lukas Lamberts was born in 1951 in the Koue Bokkeveld. He says he knows of Jantjie’s Ram.

Lukas Lamberts was born in the Koue Bokkeveld in 1951. He knows of Jantjie’s Ram.


Tell me your name and how old you are.

Born the 10th October, 1951.

Third person: How old is Grandpa? How old is Grandpa now?


What is your name?

Lukas Lamberts.

Where were you born?

Cold Bokkeveld.

Could you tell us what your childhood was like, stories that you maybe heard?

No, man, I’m not… I don’t remember much.

Do you know Jantjie’s Ram?

Yes, yes. My parents…

Can you tell us what it is?

My parents told me…

What did they say, what is it?

It was something that looked after one, this Jantjie’s Ram. Now, then they sent him to the children, to look where the children were in the evenings. That thing walked around at night. Yes.

Do you maybe know any ghost stories?


Lukas Lamberts is in 1951 in die Koue Bokkeveld gebore. Hy sê hy weet van Jantjie se ram.

Lukas Lamberts is in 1951 in die Koue Bokkeveld gebore. Hy weet van Jantjie se ram.


Sê vir my Oupa se name, en dan hoe oud Oupa is.

Gebore die tiende Oktober, 1951.

Derde persoon: Hoe oud is Oupa? Hoe oud is Oupa nou?


Wat is Oupa se name?

Lukas Lamberts.

Koelambus. Oukei. Sê net waar Oupa gebore is.

Koue Bokkeveld.

Kan Oupa vir ons vertel hoe Oupa se jong dae was, stories miskien wat Oupa-hulle gehoor het?

Nee, man, ek is nie … ek is te kort van gedagte.

Ken Oupa vir Jantjie se Ram?

Ja, ja. My ouers …

Kan Oupa vir ons vertel wat is dit?

My ouers het vir my vertel …

En wat het hulle gesê, wat is dit?

Dit was ôk ’n ding wat ’n mens opgepas het, nou dis die Jantjie se Ram. Nou, dan stuur hulle hom nou mos om die kinders, kyk waar die kinders is saans. Daai ding loop mos in die aand. Ja.

Ken Oupa miskien spookstories?
